Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally

Cellulite occurs when fat deposits sit below the surface of skin due to a collagen breakdown in the dermis layer. Fat pushes through these weakened areas, giving skin a lumpy and dimpled appearance. A common problem in women, cellulite is rarely seen on men. This is due in part to the differences in connective tissue arrangement between the sexes. In men, connective tissue is formed in a diagonal or cross-hatched arrangement, while it forms a vertical, or perpendicular, arrangement in women. This arrangement makes fatty deposits in certain areas on the body a lot more noticeable. Once believed to be an issue for older women, cellulite problems can begin in the teen years. Genetics are also believed to play a role in the appearance of cellulite.

There are several ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite naturally. Perhaps the best way is to look at eating habits, and choose foods that will not contribute to cellulite. Certain natural topical treatments will also lessen its appearance, as will making other healthful choices, such as exercising, quitting smoking and drinking lots of water.

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Featured photo credit: Beach vacation. Hot beautiful woman in sunhat and bikini standing with her arms raised to her head enjoying looking view of beach ocean on hot summer day. Photo from Hapuna beach, Big Island, Hawaii. via Flickr

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Reduce Cellulite Tips is a complete guide to getting rid of cellulite naturally. You can find here the exercises, diet and many natural ways to help get rid of ,Cellulite is dimpled appearance of the skin that most women have on their buttocks, back of the legs, thighs and arms. The cellulite is very hard to treat.,Medications can leave toxins behind in your body that contribute to cellulite. Rubbing in a cellulite cream really well is more important than the cream ,How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally. Reducing cellulite the natural way can be done by cutting back on calories, exercising and increasing cardiovascular workouts. ,Are you looking for ways of how to reduce cellulite? If you are looking for easy ways to reduce cellulite you will be happy to know that there are actually some very ,I have always been jealous of my friend, who is naturally petite, eats all she wants, and never seems to gain a pound. But despite how skinny she is, she still ,The good news is that you CAN reduce cellulite! You really can help your body to become firmer and leaner and reduce cellulite. I am going to share with you now what ,Don't Miss. How To Deal With Work Stress Better; Can Gingko Biloba Improve Brain Function and Circulation? How Does Exercise Affect Insulin and Blood Glucose Levels?,How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally. Part of the series: Getting in Shape Tips. Reducing cellulite the natural way can be done by cutting back on calories, exercising ,How to Naturally Reduce Cellulite Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013 | By Kristen Fisher. Exercise can help reduce cellulite. Photo Credit Yagi Studio/Photodisc

How to Naturally Reduce Cellulite | LIVESTRONG.COM
How to Naturally Reduce Cellulite Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013 | By Kristen Fisher. Exercise can help reduce cellulite. Photo Credit Yagi Studio/Photodisc

Video: How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally | eHow
How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally. Part of the series: Getting in Shape Tips. Reducing cellulite the natural way can be done by cutting back on calories, exercising

How To Reduce Cellulite Naturally - You! Health
Don't Miss. How To Deal With Work Stress Better; Can Gingko Biloba Improve Brain Function and Circulation? How Does Exercise Affect Insulin and Blood Glucose Levels?

7 Tips to Naturally Reduce Cellulite - MindBodyGreen
The good news is that you CAN reduce cellulite! You really can help your body to become firmer and leaner and reduce cellulite. I am going to share with you now what

Reduce Cellulite Naturally | alive - Alive Natural Health ...
I have always been jealous of my friend, who is naturally petite, eats all she wants, and never seems to gain a pound. But despite how skinny she is, she still

How To Reduce Cellulite Naturally - EzineArticles
Are you looking for ways of how to reduce cellulite? If you are looking for easy ways to reduce cellulite you will be happy to know that there are actually some very

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs Naturally | eHow
How to Reduce Cellulite Naturally. Reducing cellulite the natural way can be done by cutting back on calories, exercising and increasing cardiovascular workouts.

How to Reduce the Look and Feel of Cellulite Naturally ...
Medications can leave toxins behind in your body that contribute to cellulite. Rubbing in a cellulite cream really well is more important than the cream

Reduce Cellulite Naturally - 10 Tips To Help You Get Rid ...
Cellulite is dimpled appearance of the skin that most women have on their buttocks, back of the legs, thighs and arms. The cellulite is very hard to treat.

Reduce Cellulite Tips - How to Get Rid of Cellulite ...
Reduce Cellulite Tips is a complete guide to getting rid of cellulite naturally. You can find here the exercises, diet and many natural ways to help get rid of

Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

7 Steps For Making a New Year's Resolution and Keeping It


Are you keen to reinvent yourself in 2010? Or at least use the new year as a long overdue excuse to get rid of bad habits or pick up new ones?

newyearsYes, its that time of year again. The time of year when we feel as if we have to turn over a new leaf. The time when we misguidedly imagine that the arrival of a new year will magically provide the catalyst, motivation and persistence we need to reinvent ourselves.

Traditionally, New Years Day is styled as the ideal time to kick start a new phase in your life and the time when you must make your all important new years resolution. Unfortunately, the beginning of the year is also one of the worst times to make a major change in your habits because its often a relatively stressful time, right in the middle of the party and vacation season.

Dont set yourself up for failure in 2010 by vowing to make huge changes that will be hard to keep. Instead follow these seven steps for successfully making a new years resolution you can stick to for good.

1. Just pick one thing

If you want to change your life or your lifestyle dont try to change the whole thing at once. It wont work. Instead pick one area of your life to change to begin with.

Make it something concrete so you know exactly what change youre planning to make. If youre successful with the first change you can go ahead and make another change after a month or so. By making small changes one after the other, you still have the chance to be a whole new you at the end of 2010 and its a much more realistic way of doing it.

Dont pick a New Years resolution thats bound to fail either, like running a marathon if youre 40lbs overweight and get out of breath walking upstairs. If thats the case resolve to walk every day. When youve got that habit down pat you can graduate to running in short bursts, constant running by March or April and a marathon at the end of the year. Whats the one habit you most want to change?

2. Plan ahead

To ensure success you need to research the change youre making and plan ahead so you have the resources available when you need them. Here are a few things you should do to prepare and get all the systems in place ready to make your change.

Read up on it Go to the library and get books on the subject. Whether its quitting smoking, taking up running or yoga or becoming vegan there are books to help you prepare for it. Or use the Internet. If you do enough research you should even be looking forward to making the change.

Plan for success Get everything ready so things will run smoothly. If youre taking up running make sure you have the trainers, clothes, hat, glasses, ipod loaded with energetic sounds at the ready. Then there can be no excuses.

3. Anticipate problems

There will be problems so make a list of what theyll be. If you think about it, youll be able to anticipate problems at certain times of the day, with specific people or in special situations. Once youve identified the times that will probably be hard work out ways to cope with them when they inevitably crop up.

4. Pick a start date

You dont have to make these changes on New Years Day. Thats the conventional wisdom, but if you truly want to make changes then pick a day when you know youll be well-rested, enthusiastic and surrounded by positive people. Ill be waiting until my kids go back to school in February.

Sometimes picking a date doesnt work. Its better to wait until your whole mind and body are fully ready to take on the challenge. Youll know when it is when the time comes.

5. Go for it

On the big day go for it 100%. Make a commitment and write it down on a card. You just need one short phrase you can carry in your wallet. Or keep it in your car, by your bed and on your bathroom mirror too for an extra dose of positive reinforcement.

Your commitment card will say something like:

  • I enjoy a clean, smoke-free life.
  • I stay calm and in control even under times of stress.
  • Im committed to learning how to run my own business.
  • I meditate daily.

6. Accept failure

If you do fail and sneak a cigarette, miss a walk or shout at the kids one morning dont hate yourself for it. Make a note of the triggers that caused this set back and vow to learn a lesson from them.

If you know that alcohol makes you crave cigarettes and oversleep the next day cut back on it. If you know the morning rush before school makes you shout then get up earlier or prepare things the night before to make it easier on you.

Perseverance is the key to success. Try again, keep trying and you will succeed.

7. Plan rewards

Small rewards are great encouragement to keep you going during the hardest first days. After that you can probably reward yourself once a week with a magazine, a long-distance call to a supportive friend, a siesta, a trip to the movies or whatever makes you tick.

Later you can change the rewards to monthly and then at the end of the year you can pick an anniversary reward. Something that youll look forward to. You deserve it and youll have earned it.

Whatever your plans and goals are for 2010 Id do wish you luck with them but remember, its your life and you make your own luck.

Decide what you want to do in 2010, plan how to get it and go for it. Ill definitely be cheering you on.

Are you planning to make a New Years resolution in 2010? What is it and is it something youve tried to do before or something new?

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As the peak season for making New Year's resolutions draws near, Keeping a resolution requires a detailed plan, measurable steps, ,Seven Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions. Psych Central. Retrieved on July 11, 2014, from http://psychcentral.com/lib/seven-steps-to-keeping-your-new ,7 Simple Steps on Keeping Your New Year's Weight-Loss Resolution Karen Sessions. Is It a New Year's Resolution or Just another New Year's Delusion?,New Year's Eve is just around the corner. Small steps, strong start! 6 How can one move ahead to succeed in keeping up the new year resolution?,Start With Small Steps. many people have lost that initial spark of motivation that they felt immediately after making their New Year's Resolution. Keep that ,7 Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions Document Transcript. December 28th, 2012 ,An Independent Consultants New Years Resolution, and How to Keep It, in 7 Steps by Tim King makes some confessions and commitments to improve in the new year.,http://www.BeyondFitnessSolutions.com Are you suffering from New Year's Resolution Syndrome? It's insane that you keep making the same old New Year's ,Have you ever made a New Year's resolution only to break it within weeks? According to ProactiveChange and a University of Scranton survey, about 40 to 45 ,Traditionally, New Years Day is styled as the ideal time to kick start a new phase in your life and the time when you must make your all important new years

7 Steps For Making a New Year's Resolution and Keeping It
Traditionally, New Years Day is styled as the ideal time to kick start a new phase in your life and the time when you must make your all important new years

Dr. Terri Kennedy: 7 Steps to Making and Keeping Resolutions
Have you ever made a New Year's resolution only to break it within weeks? According to ProactiveChange and a University of Scranton survey, about 40 to 45

7 Steps to Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions
http://www.BeyondFitnessSolutions.com Are you suffering from New Year's Resolution Syndrome? It's insane that you keep making the same old New Year's

7 Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions | Hope ...
An Independent Consultants New Years Resolution, and How to Keep It, in 7 Steps by Tim King makes some confessions and commitments to improve in the new year.

7 Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions
7 Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions Document Transcript. December 28th, 2012

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions - About.com Psychology
Start With Small Steps. many people have lost that initial spark of motivation that they felt immediately after making their New Year's Resolution. Keep that

Seven Strategies for Highly Effective New Year's ...
New Year's Eve is just around the corner. Small steps, strong start! 6 How can one move ahead to succeed in keeping up the new year resolution?

7 Simple Steps on Keeping Your New Year's Weight-Loss ...
7 Simple Steps on Keeping Your New Year's Weight-Loss Resolution Karen Sessions. Is It a New Year's Resolution or Just another New Year's Delusion?

Seven Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions ...
Seven Steps to Keeping Your New Years Resolutions. Psych Central. Retrieved on July 11, 2014, from http://psychcentral.com/lib/seven-steps-to-keeping-your-new

Steps to New Year's Resolution Success - WSJ
As the peak season for making New Year's resolutions draws near, Keeping a resolution requires a detailed plan, measurable steps,

Jumat, 11 Juli 2014

10 Reasons to Quit Excessive Consumerism

With advertising bombarding our senses everywhere we go, its very hard to not be tempted to buy the newest gadget or gear on the market. While buying things is a part of life, a balance must be implemented or things can get out of control. Here are 10 reasons to put the plastic back in your pocket.

1) Less Stress

Chasing the lure of the next great purchase, that one thing that will finally make you happy, can get addictive. Unfortunately, no matter how happy you are when you buy something, that feeling fades. The bills, however, dont. Most families are burdened with too much credit card debt because they decided that having that next greatest thing was more important than saving or staying out of debt. The stress caused by excessive consumerism and financial turbulence is showcased in statistics for divorce, suicide, and healthcare costs.

2) Less Stuff

About two years ago, I left a very lucrative job, sold our house, car, and all of our stuff, and moved to another country to join my husband who had been living overseas due to a career advancement opportunity. It was very difficult selling everything that I had used to create my comfortable cushy life. I was emotionally attached to all of my stuff, however, once I let it go, an unexplainable calm came over me. It was like all my things had been weighing me down, and suddenly I was free to breathe again. When you have a lot of possessions, you have to take care of them, organize them, maintain them, and manage them. I have moved many times, and lugging all of my junk around was exhausting. Now, I can go anywhere, do anything, and not have any extra weight holding me down. I have never been a minimalist before, but after being forced to experience it due to life circumstances, I will continue to embrace it in my life.

3) Less Strife

Money problems, often caused by excessive consumerism, are one of the main things listed by couples as cause for breaking up. Not only does money stress cause couples relationship conflict, it trickles down to the children. Overworked parents, often feeling guilty for spending so much time at work, spoil their kids. Young, impressionable minds learn that what you have and can afford is more important than character, and they then cause their parents additional headaches by manipulating them into buying them more clothes, electronics, and cars to stay up with the latest trends. Parents spend longer hours at their jobs to pay for a lifestyle that they dont even have time to enjoy. This causes resentment and leads to more strife in the family.

4) Less Sick

When people are addicted to spending, they can easily become unhealthy both mentally and physically. The pressure to perform at work to pay for an excessive lifestyle can translate to multiple ailments from too much stress, not enough sleep, unhealthy eating, and lack of exercise. People also cope with the stress by excessive drinking, smoking, and other risky behaviors. These lifestyle choices are all indirectly caused by the pressure to make more money to fill the insatiable need to spend more and pay off debt from previous purchases.

5) Less Show

No one walks around with their financial health on their forehead, so we dont often get credit from others for being responsible. Instead, we are judged by what we wear, where we live, what we drive, what we have. This creates the temptation to go into debt to impress others as a high roller with a show of success. Even if it is just a facade, for many people its worth going into debt to gain this perceived level of respect. Unfortunately, if you cant create an income to match your spending, this is a game that can only go on for so long before the house of cards crumbles. The friends that were gained because they loved your success are often gone when you are no longer able to feed the lifestyle. Its better to be real and surround yourself with people who want to be around you for more sustainable reasons than a flashy show.

6) More Time

If you arent working insane hours to pay off excessive consumerism, you have more time to spend on your family, invest in your health, and live life to the fullest. We are all given 24 hours in a day. I personally dont want to spend a large portion of time working a second job to pay for a boat that I dont have time to enjoy. I would rather travel, invest in relationships, and help others through volunteer work and supporting charities.

7) More Health

Your health is your greatest wealth. Without the stress of excessive spending, you can create a more rewarding lifestyle. Taking care of yourself well takes time and effort, two things people often cant muster when trying to keep up with the family next door. For some people, buying things becomes an addictive behavior that can spiral out of control. Letting go of this need for greed is a healthy part of discovering that you are enough without the stuff.

8) More Money

When you spend less, you automatically save more. While you may look less showy on the outside, your net worth is increasing. This can create additional compounding success as you invest more money into areas that can multiply it further like retirement accounts, investment trading, idea creation, or real estate endeavors. When you go into debt, not only do you lose the money from the initial purchase, you also spend more that the original price on interest. If your spending causes stress that impacts your health, the dollars continue to drain out on doctor visits, medication, and counselors. When you overspend, you may appear rich, but are actually very poor. When you curb this need to buy everything in favor of longer-term investment goals, you eventually find the wealth you were trying to project all along.

9) More Love

When you learn to depend less on things and more on yourself, you discover that you are more than enough. You become real and learn to love yourself, which shows more depth of character than those who have to dazzle with doodads. You also place more priority on people than on things. This confidence is attractive to others. While you may draw a shallow following by flashy living, its a demanding crowd that will only last as long as the cash keeps coming. If you abandon this concept for more sustainable relationships, you will know you are loved for who you are and not what you give. You will also have more time to invest in people because you arent paying for things. You can take time to volunteer, donate to charities, take your spouse on a picnic, or play with your kids. This is a much more rewarding way to live, and you will find you are loved by many more just for choosing this path.

10) More Freedom

When you drop your need to impress and accumulate meaningless junk, you find you have so much more time and energy to pursue life. Things really dont matter in the end. At the end of your life, all of your toys wont matter anyway. They will just be something your children have to sort through and get rid of at an estate sale. Loving people and pursuing your passions bring deeper contentment. Excessive spending can cage you in with debt, others expectations, and stress. You may find you are working for a life you dont even get to enjoy. But, you can open that door and walk away from the iron bars any time you decide that life is about living, not spending.

Trust me, quitting excessive consumerism is something that would make your life simpler and happier.

If youre interested in simplifying your life, this is a great starters guide: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life Today

Featured photo credit: Barcode on forehead via Shutterstock

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Top 10 Reasons to Quit Your Job. Your company is experiencing a downward spiral, losing customers, losing money, and rumors of possible closure, ,Here are 30 great reasons to quit drinking alcohol. 10. You will stop hating yourself for wasting money. 12 Reasons to Cut Back on Excessive Drinking ,Escaping excessive consumption is not an easy battle. If it were, it would be done more often. 10 Reasons to Escape Excessive Consumerism ,The way a driver operates the vehicle also contributes to excessive fuel consumption. excessive wear, which is a common reason Stop Excessive Oil Consumption ,Given are the bad effects of Alcohol consumption and 10 reasons people should stop drinking. HubPages. It only takes one night of excessive drinking, black ,Make sure you memorize these 10 Steps to Quit Drinking Alcohol, The important thing to realize is that MY reasons to quit may not be YOUR reasons to quit, ,10 Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol. Consumption of alcohol Occasional excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with There are many reasons to stop , Exploitation,Excessive Consumerism. Ten Reasons NOT to Buy 'Made in China' Products: 1. 10. Manufacturing in China is both a perpetrator and victim of ,Escaping excessive consumption is not 10 Reasons to Escape Excessive Consumerism. this greed machine we all contribute to will stop working and we will ,With advertising bombarding our senses everywhere we go, its very hard to not be tempted to buy the newest gadget or gear on the market. While buying things is a

10 Reasons to Quit Excessive Consumerism - Lifehack
With advertising bombarding our senses everywhere we go, its very hard to not be tempted to buy the newest gadget or gear on the market. While buying things is a

10 Reasons to Escape Excessive Consumerism
Escaping excessive consumption is not 10 Reasons to Escape Excessive Consumerism. this greed machine we all contribute to will stop working and we will

Stop Greed, Exploitation,Excessive Consumerism. Ten ...
Exploitation,Excessive Consumerism. Ten Reasons NOT to Buy 'Made in China' Products: 1. 10. Manufacturing in China is both a perpetrator and victim of

10 Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol | eHow
10 Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol. Consumption of alcohol Occasional excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with There are many reasons to stop

10 Steps to Quit Drinking Alcohol | StopDrinkingAlcohol.com
Make sure you memorize these 10 Steps to Quit Drinking Alcohol, The important thing to realize is that MY reasons to quit may not be YOUR reasons to quit,

Why should you Stop Drinking Alcohol ? Bad Effects of ...
Given are the bad effects of Alcohol consumption and 10 reasons people should stop drinking. HubPages. It only takes one night of excessive drinking, black

How to Troubleshoot Excessive Fuel Consumption | eHow
The way a driver operates the vehicle also contributes to excessive fuel consumption. excessive wear, which is a common reason Stop Excessive Oil Consumption

10 Reasons to Escape Excessive Consumerism | Be...
Escaping excessive consumption is not an easy battle. If it were, it would be done more often. 10 Reasons to Escape Excessive Consumerism

30 Great Reasons to Quit Drinking Alcohol | Stop Drinking ...
Here are 30 great reasons to quit drinking alcohol. 10. You will stop hating yourself for wasting money. 12 Reasons to Cut Back on Excessive Drinking

Top Ten Reasons to Quit Your Job - About.com Human Resources
Top 10 Reasons to Quit Your Job. Your company is experiencing a downward spiral, losing customers, losing money, and rumors of possible closure,

Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

side effects of quitting smoking

Posted in Quit Smoking Effects, Smoking Side Effects | 2 comments

Side effects of quitting smoking are greatly felt during the first few days to weeks. Generally, adjustments period are hard but if you are eager and motivated to overcome your smoking habits, you will surely get over the side effects of quitting smoking very easily. As negative impact, you will feel a lot of physical changes that cannot easily be tolerated especially of people who became so dependent on smoking for several years. Our body generally detects changes, therefore, you will feel unsatisfied in few days to weeks without smoking even a single stick of tobacco cigarettes. However, it is rewarding once you have gone through all these sacrifices.

Find & Replace Limiting Beliefs, Part 2: Replace Old Ideas

Introspection is the key to transformation

Its time to weed out the limiting beliefs that you discovered in part one. This is a hell of a lot harder to do than simply discovering them, but on the bright side, the instructions are simplerthis one really just requires willpower and discipline. So, its technically easier, but practically harder.

When you ask yourself why youre putting so much time and energy and discipline into this, remember the benefit once youve accomplished it. The most successful people act on their imaginations they allow their ventures to venture beyond the realm of possibility, and still manage to accomplish it. Limiting beliefs keep people from breaching that realm of mediocrity into successful living.

Prove Yourself Wrong

By far the quickest and easiest way to banish a limiting belief once and for all is to prove it wrong. Its not that hard to doyou just have to accomplish it! Until 1954, it was considered pretty much impossible to run a mile in four minutes, and in that year it was actually done. After that, the record was broken again and again by runners. Why? The first runner to break that limit proved the belief that it was impossible wrong and mentally enabled other runners to succeed.

Figure out what it would take to prove yourself wrong, and accomplish it. Doesnt get simpler than that. But chances are that you dont get to take the easy way out on this one, so what else can we do?

Introspective Removal

You cant remove an item from your environment if you cannot see the item, or even know what it is. Sometimes we dont even have a conscious knowledge of our limiting beliefs. For instance, many people are unaware that theyre uncomfortable with the idea of making money easilybecause the correlation between earning money and hard work has been drummed into them since childhood.

In part one, you may have discovered limiting beliefs that you didnt know you held, while others were already aware of. In this case, once youve discovered what is holding you back, you can take an introspective look at not only the belief but the context that generated it. Understanding where it came from is just as important as knowing it is there.

Heres what you do.

  1. Write down the limiting belief in a concise manner. For example, Good money only comes through hard work.
  2. Think about the internal dialog that created, or exists because of, this belieffor instance, making money without effort is morally wrong, or I dont deserve to make money easily.
  3. Look for the fear that reinforces this beliefif I make money without hard work, Im a corrupt, greedy person like those other rich lazy types.
  4. Try and recall any experiences that may have contributed to or caused the limiting belief.

At this point youll have a good idea of not only what that limiting belief is, but why its there and what its effects are, as well as what kind of internal dialog it is generating. Now we need to mentally debunk the theory.

  1. Write down what it is that makes this limiting belief so limiting. If I continue to interact with reality based on this assumption, I will be working hard for peanuts until the day I die.
  2. Write down what it is that makes this limiting belief a ridiculous notion. Theres nothing at all wrong with making moneytheres only something wrong with becoming a different, greedier person because of money.

Its important to have a clear idea of not only what the belief is and what context it exists within, but why the belief is a faulty notion. If you dont have a clear idea of why that belief is wrong, you will be unable to get past it.

Brains dont do well with a vacuum, so now that youve knocked this puppy down from an intellectual standpoint, its necessary to prop something else up there so that limiting belief doesnt reclaim its throne.

  1. Write down the enabling belief that replaces the limiting one. Making money without hard work is the best way to live.
  2. What kind of internal dialog would go on in your head if you held this belief? Write it down. Making money without hard work gives me more time to focus on the important things in life, such as my family, rather than spending all my time worrying about day-to-day survival.
  3. In step 3 of the first process, we defined the fear that accompanied our limiting belief because fear is the emotion that gives power to limiting belief. Where does your enabling belief get its power? Making money easily doesnt make me a different person unless I allow that to happenI can use this to effect greater change in my life and the lives of others than if I were constantly trying to make ends meet

Replacement Technique

Similar to the trial technique we used in part one to find our limiting beliefs and some enabling ones, well now dedicate a certain amount of time to enforcing our new replacement belief. 30-60 days is best for really ingrained beliefs, but whatever amount of time you choose, set it before you commence. The next period is going to be tough.

In this period youll be living as if you held the enabling belief in the first place, and training yourself to think that way. Beliefs cause thoughts, but disciplining yourself and changing your thoughts can go the other way and change your beliefs over time.

Its important to keep yourself reminded of your replacement belief at all times, because sheer discipline alone rarely works. Make sure you cant escape that reminder in the places it counts. For instance, with the making money example, Id keep a note on my monitor if my work was all done at a computer. If I were quitting smoking, Id avoid usual smoking spotsespecially those spots where other smokers congregateand keep a post-it nearby reminding me about a specific symptom of smoking, or a disease it causes.

Other than that, theres not much you can do at this point but spend those 30-60 days focusing a significant amount of your attention and discipline to removing those heavily ingrained beliefs and habits. Youve done everything you can to ensure your chances of success up until this point.

Hey, nobody said it would be easy! But see it through and youll be ultimately grateful for the effort you put in. We are talking about beliefs here, which are some of the most fundamental elements of our daily existence, and its no mean feat to change themeven the seemingly small ones.

What is the worst limiting belief of them all? I think its belief in the concept of the impossible.

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Rabu, 09 Juli 2014

Quit smoking effects - earlier is more benefits

Posted in Quit Smoking Effects | 2 comments

Quit smoking effects are never negative regardless of what a doctor, a friend or a parent tells you. In fact, there are countless and positive quit smoking effects. The article will try to discuss and elaborate on the health benefits as well as the advantages of the stop smoking effects. Also, it will tell you and allow you to understand how these effects are being regarded as positive effects instead of a disadvantage. Definitely, these effects become advantages and benefits because it happens right after you stop cigarette smoking. However, before we focus looking at those effects, let us briefly study one of the important side effects that most smokers suffer especially once they started not to engage in cigarette smoking.

Smoking Versus Obesity

Most people especially the habitual smokers claim that they are not able to quit and stop smoking since they start to overeat.Basically, they are only being concerned on a more serious problem that may come out when they reach obesity. However, this idea is fairly an erroneous claim. For someone who has just started quitting smoking, the average and most estimated weight gain is only around ten pounds. Thus, the health effects or any disadvantages of gaining such amount of weight are only fairly normal or minimal. To say that quitting smoking is not a good option since there is a possibility that you will become obese is definitely a no no. In fact, obesity and overeating can be controlled easily and easier than the diseases that you might have when you did not stop smoking cigarette and when smoking effects are not controlled right away.

quit smoking effects

First Few Quit Smoking Effects

The first positive quit smoking effects happen just within or after twenty minutes. It is basically twenty minutes after puffing your last cigarette. Within this period, your heart rate as well as your blood pressure will return to the normal level. Additionally, within the first eight hours, another quit smoking effects will be experienced. Within eight hours, the levels of oxygen in the blood will return to normal levels. Because of increased oxygen levels, fatigue is rarely experienced. Then, after a day, risk of suffering from heart attack lowers a lot. Two days after, sense of taste and smell that were subdued and damage by cigarette smoking will start to become normal. And after three days, nicotine will totally be out of your body.

Long-Term Quit Smoking Effects

Ten more days are needed before you get to experience more quit smoking effects. Also, within this period, your body is starting to being used with a smoke-free system. Definitely, it will not look for toxins as well as the gases that usually entered during each cigarette puff. Then, in a range of three weeks up to three months, you will just notice that all quit smoking effects are also gone. Within this period, you successfully quit smoking. You will never experience shortness of breath and you would be able to accommodate your lung capacity with enough oxygen.

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This stop smoking benefits timetable answers that Hughes, JR, Effects of abstinence from and to his collection of more than 200 video stop smoking ,Major health benefits of quitting smoking? Smoking causes women to reach menopause one to two years early, More Excellent Quitting Smoking Information., the earlier you start smoking, the more Negative effects of smoking People at this stage are generally unaware of the specific benefits that quitting ,The younger you are when you start smoking, the more likely you are for the bad effects of smoking on you stop smoking. Timeline of health benefits after ,Click through the slideshow to see a "quit smoking" timeline of health benefits. effects of quitting start to away no more than several months after quitting., five possible benefits from smoking. the number of years spent smoking, more so than the number of the protective effect wanes after smokers quit.,The health benefits of quitting start immediately from the moment of smoking cessation. Here is a timeline of all the benefits. Read more (Effect of smoking ,Quit smoking effects are never negative regardless of what a doctor, a friend or a parent tells you. In fact, there are countless and positive quit smoking effects.,Health related quit smoking benefits can be useful More Benefits of Giving Up Smoking . Short and long term effects of smoking cigarettes and that of , (colloquially quitting smoking) support and norms for not smoking" had an effect on smoking making them more susceptible to many diseases in early

Smoking cessation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(colloquially quitting smoking) support and norms for not smoking" had an effect on smoking making them more susceptible to many diseases in early

Quit Smoking Benefits - Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Health related quit smoking benefits can be useful More Benefits of Giving Up Smoking . Short and long term effects of smoking cigarettes and that of

Quit smoking effects - earlier is more benefits | smoking ...
Quit smoking effects are never negative regardless of what a doctor, a friend or a parent tells you. In fact, there are countless and positive quit smoking effects.

Cancer: Guide to Quitting Smoking Benefits
The health benefits of quitting start immediately from the moment of smoking cessation. Here is a timeline of all the benefits. Read more (Effect of smoking

5 Health Benefits of Smoking | Long-Term Smoking & Heart ...
five possible benefits from smoking. the number of years spent smoking, more so than the number of the protective effect wanes after smokers quit.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking Timeline: 14 Surprising ...
Click through the slideshow to see a "quit smoking" timeline of health benefits. effects of quitting start to away no more than several months after quitting.

Smoking - The Facts | Health | Patient.co. uk
The younger you are when you start smoking, the more likely you are for the bad effects of smoking on you stop smoking. Timeline of health benefits after

Smoking - About.com Health Topics A-Z
the earlier you start smoking, the more Negative effects of smoking People at this stage are generally unaware of the specific benefits that quitting

Health benefits of quitting smoking? - QuitSmokingSupport
Major health benefits of quitting smoking? Smoking causes women to reach menopause one to two years early, More Excellent Quitting Smoking Information.

Stop Smoking Benefits Timetable - WhyQuit
This stop smoking benefits timetable answers that Hughes, JR, Effects of abstinence from and to his collection of more than 200 video stop smoking

3 Common Goal Setting Mistakes

Setting and achieving goals is one of the best surefire ways to improve the quality of our lives. We commonly use goals to improve our health, relationships, financial situation, career or business success, and even happiness. Sometimes goals are set for us, as in a work situation, but most of the time we determine our own goals.

SEE ALSO: How the Act of Daily Goal Setting Makes You Successful

Successfully achieving those goals is not only key to advancing our careers, but also to help us to grow as individuals. Unfortunately, when choosing our goals, we often unknowingly sabotage our success, by committing these three very common goal setting mistakes.

Thinking Too Narrowly

One of the biggest benefits of creating goals is that they force us to focus our time, attention, and energy on a specific objective, instead of scattering our focus and our resources among the broad range of possibilities vying for our attention. When we concentrate our efforts on a specific target, were more likely to accomplish our goals and less time.

That said, setting a goal that is too specific, while achievable, can lead to a goal setting mistake, by missing the true intention of our goal in the first place. We fall into this common trap by thinking too narrowly, and missing the bigger picture of what were really hoping to achieve. Unfortunately, this often leads, to wasted effort and frustration.

Setting a goal to lose 20 pounds for example, might be very valuable to a person who is otherwise healthy, but just carries a little bit of extra weight. For others, losing 20 pounds, while appealing, is misdirected effort, when the real goal is to achieve better health. When you look at the bigger picture, losing weight might not be the most effective goal. Perhaps quitting smoking would be more valuable. Lowering cholesterol and blood pressure or reversing heart disease might be better served by changes in diet or increased activity. Though losing weight might be a byproduct, it isnt actually the true goal.

Another example of a too specific goal might be to increase the number of sales calls or project numbers, when the real goal is to advance our career, and a more valuable goal might be to attain an advanced certification or further our education to make us more valuable to an employer. Still another to specific goal might be to find the perfect mate, when the real goal is to be happier. Even if we find the perfect mate, we wont necessarily be happier, because we have missed the true underlying need.

Quantity VS. Quality

In our zealousness for accomplishment, we unwittingly sabotage our forward movement by setting quantity goals rather than quality goals. Quantity goals may simply mean that we have set too many goals at one time rather than focusing our attention on a single, or a select few quality goals. But perhaps more important, is the distinction between a quality goal and a quantity goal.

Quantity goals usually deal with numbers while quality goals generally deal with an improvement in our overall quality of life and work. Unfortunately, quantity goals are easier and faster to achieve so they tend to draw our interest, but often quality goals have more impact on making important changes that address our most crucial needs.

When setting goals, focus on quality rather than quantity to avoid goal setting mistakes. Also, notice if you tend to automatically gravitate to numbers goals. Quantity, numbers goals are not inherently bad, and can be very useful as long as they are also quality goals that address the bigger picture.

Unrealistic expectations

We see this common mistake time and time again. If we set a goal of finding a new job or getting a promotion but only give ourselves one month to do so, were just setting ourselves up for failure. Writing your first book generally takes more than six weeks, six months is a more realistic goal. Also, be sure your goals are within your control.

Being offered a new job, might not be within your control, but revising your resume, hiring a career coach, or sending out resumes and checking job postings every week is within your control. Finding an agent or publisher in a specific timeframe probably isnt within your control, but completing a book proposal, and contacting potential agents is within your control.

keep these common pitfalls in mind When determining goals. Set goals that impact the bigger picture and address your true objectives. Dont get caught in the trap of thinking too narrowly and concentrate on quality over quantity. Make sure your goals are realistic, within your control and have a reasonable timeframe. While youre at it, take a look at past goals that you werent able to achieve, see if you can revise them, and try again.

(Photo credit: Golf Bunker via Shutterstock)

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